Communicatings 2.0
ENDOMONDO - sport 2.0

F A C T   S H E E T



NAME:              ENDOMONDO  - free GPS tracking of your sports activities


DATE:               January 12, 2012 


MAIN FACTS:   Short description


  1. ENDOMONDO is a free service, which can track your physical activities like walking, running, cycling, etc.


  1. The name ENDOMONDO comes from Endo = endorphins ( the stuff released in your brain during sports activities )  and Mondo = world.  The world of Endorphins


  1. ENDOMONDO was invented and started by 3 Danes ( ex-McKinsey people )


  1. The web site: 


  1. The vision of ENDOMONDO is to make it more fun being active and thereby motivate more people to do sports and other physical activities.


  1. ENDOMONDO is free. And it is very easy to use.


  1. You need a smartphone ( Android or iPhone ) with GPS service included


  1. You download the ENDOMONDO app from the App market ( free )


  1. When the app is installed and you have opened it you are ready to start !


  1. If you are walking, running or cycling you start ENDOMONDO at the beginning of your tour – and afterwards you have a real-time GPS tracking of:


·         The distance you have made

·         Your average speed, also per km  ( also with indications if you were slow or fast on each lap of 1 km )

·         The calories you have burnt

·         The exact route you have done shown on a map


           In other words: You get a complete training log.


  1.  Your ENDOMONDO keeps your daily activities under HISTORY, where you at any time can go back and see, what you did when. And it can also show you your daily, weekly and monthly results


  1.  If you subscribe to ENDOMONDO’s web site ( creating your own login and password ) you will be able to see your results – past and present – on this site. And on the site you can also see in real time, if some of your ENDOMONDO friends right now are out there doing some exercise


  1.  You can also via your Facebook, Gmail, Yahoo and other services, you might use, find out which friends are also using ENDOMONDO. You can invite them also to become your ENDOMONDO friend. In this way they can follow you in real time – and you can follow them.  And you can compete with each other – wherever you are in the world.


  1.  All collected information is strictly confidential – unless you decide yourself to show your results on your Facebook or Twitter account. This can be done very easily.


  1.  Now, just one point more:   GET STARTED ! It’s fun J   




Niels Jørgen Thøgersen










CON AMORE website
CON AMORE - kort og godt!



Your European connection


A communications company with 37 years experience at the heart of Europe


Knowing Europe  - Your European connection


Communicating Europe


Advicing on Europe


Connecting in Europe


Training on Europe



What we are best at doing:


Finding your best contacts in Brussels – and all over Europe


Telling you, if Europe is relevant for your activity and plans


Getting your message across....

Getting people involved......

Getting positive ideas and proposals back....

And getting things done fast and properly....


Moderne måder til moderne vælgere
Det er nye tider - også i politik. De gamle metoder med plakater, annoncer, vælgermøder og TV-dueller hører fortiden til. Der skal helt nye, interaktive måder til.  Folk skal INVOLVERES. Være en del af kampagnen. Ikke bare modtagere af informationer og politisk propaganda.

CON AMORE foreslår denn 10 Punkts HANDLINGSPLAN for at få folk til at stemme:



Mobilising Voters in Ten Steps



                                         1.   WHY VOTE   - a very short, dynamic text


2.      Mobilise through the Pyramid Principle


( Activists: “You find 10, who each finds 10, etc.”

                   “ Be the first to know “

                   “ Find local events “

                   “ Contact undecided voters “

                   “ Share your story on your blog “  )


Use Google Docs for communicating with the activitists


Create special support groups: Women for…; Students for…;

Youth for…; Teachers for…; Nurses for…; Farmers for…; etc )


3.      Modern interactive Website  /  Home Page


      Has to be the epicentre of the campaign and include everything

      ( such as Messages, Updates; Activation site for Activities; Blog; Social

        Networks; You Tube, Flickr; Eventful; Event programme; etc. );

        Donations / Fundraising; e-Shop )


4.      Use Social Communities very actively


( such as Facebook; MySpace; Twitter; Digg; Ecademy; XING; LinkedIn,

  BeBo; hi5; NING; Plaxo; Friendster; etc. )


( select the most appropriate communities – and have a responsible for each )


5.      Use efficient on-line distribution channels


( such as YouTube for video messages; Flickr for photos; Eventful

  for coming events; etc. )


                                         6.   Use E-mail alerts   ( “Be the first to know “ )


                                               ( to your activists and to everybody who wants it )

                                               ( collect e-mail addresses via special Web Forms, Business Card

                                                 Scanners, etc. )


                                         7.   Use SMS / Text Message alerts    ( “ Be the first to know “ )


                                               ( to your activists and to everybody who wants it )

                                               ( collect mobile phone numbers via special mobile number )


8.      Systematic feed-back about voters’ reactions, worries, questions


( via e-mails; Google Docs; sms/text messages, etc. )

( and react immediately to the most important issues to your activists,

  on your Home Page, by e-mail and on YouTube with video message )


9.      Systematic monitoringof media, blogs, discussion fora, etc.


( by activists, EMM, Imooty, bloggingportal, and other means )



10.  Voting on beforehand:


      Make a special and energetic campaign to make people use of this possibility 

                                               ( different rules for each country )





                   Detailed OPERATIONAL PLANS for each point can be prepared and made available

                   according to special agreement.





                   Niels Jørgen Thøgersen


                35, avenue de l’Europe, B-1330 Rixensart, Belgium

                   tel. 0032 474 747 040




                   Skype:  kimbrer



Mit nye dynamiske rådgivningsfirma
Getting your message across....🙂

Getting people involved......😀

Getting positive ideas and proposals back.... 🤩

And getting things done fast and properly....🙂

Dette er målet med enhver seriøs kommunikation. Hvad enten den er privat eller offentlig....

Selvfølgelig skal der facts på bordet. Og de skal være pinligt korrekte.

Men det er også vigtigt at få følelserne med. At folk føler  informationen og aktiviteten som noget positivt. Som noget de kan identificere sig med....

Communicating to the Heart....  That's the way 😀

Det er hvad   CON AMORE    er bedst til.

CON AMORE er klar til at hjælpe med spændende kommunikations-opgaver - både om Europa og om mange andre positive ting og sager .....
Hvordan kommunikere til hjertet...

C O N   A M O R E


Communicating to the Heart



                                        We are convinced that successful communication today must give people a feeling of…..


·        I am part of this  ( ownership )

·        Yes, I like it

·        Well-being

·        Something near me

·        Things are becoming easier

·        Solidarity with those who need it

·        A joint fight against the bad and the evil



                       And what is our strong background and experience for making such communication a

                       success for those who are interested in it:


·        A strong and active professional Network all over Europe

·        A long experience in modern interactive communication instruments ( web, digital television, virtual communities, mobile communication, etc.) and how to use them in the best possible way

·        A life-long knowledge about the EU and how it works



                       Niels Jørgen Thøgersen


                       July 2007.